The Config Window
Configure the file paths and settings for your chosen Persona game.
Let's get started, shall we?
Select Game
Select the game you'd like to mod from the menu in the top-left of the window.
Set File Paths
Aemulus needs to know a few file and folder paths in order to function.
Click the gear icon ⚙️ (Configure Paths and Settings) to open the Config window.
Depending on the game you chose, there will be anywhere from one to four text boxes in the Config window. Click the Browse button next to each of them and set the correct file or folder path for each one.
Name | Browse here... |
Output Folder | ...\memstick\PSP\GAME folder |
Textures Folder | ,,,\memstick\PSP\TEXTURES\ULUS10432 folder |
Cheats Path | ...\memstick\PSP\Cheats\ULUS10432.ini |
P1PSP ISO Path | Your P1 disc image (.iso) |
PPSSPPWindows.exe Path | PPSSPPWindows.exe or PPSSPPWindows64.exe |
Double-check every file path!
If you see the word OneDrive anywhere, you must stop what you are doing and move that file or folder to a different location (we recommend C:\Mods).
Make sure your Aemulus folder is not in a OneDrive-controlled directory either.
Additional Settings
A few more settings are available in the Config window:
Setting | Function |
Delete Old Versions | Allows Aemulus to automatically delete older versions of packages if a newer version with the same ID is detected in the grid. |
Enable Mod Updates | Allows Aemulus to check GameBanana and GitHub for updates to your packages. Each package has its own Allow Updates toggle, but disabling this setting will disable the update function for all mods. |
Update All on Refresh | Have Aemulus check all your packages for updates online on startup and when the Refresh button is clicked. Requires Enable Mod Updates to be enabled. |
Persona 1
Setting | Function |
Create ISO | Creates a playable ISO for PSP systems after building. |
Persona 3 FES
Setting | Function |
Prompt for Extra Options When Launching | Disable this unless you are a mod creator. |
Unpack Base Files
Persona 5 Strikers has no base files to unpack.
Skip this step if you are modding P5S.
Aemulus needs to unpack some of your game's data archives into a folder named Original so that it can merge packages that edit the same archives together.
If you are modding Persona 4 Golden, make sure the box at the bottom matches the text language of the game you are using (not the voice language).
Click Unpack Base Files and wait for the process to finish.
This can take up to ten minutes, so don't worry if it's taking a while.
You only need to do this step once.
Click OK to close the Finished Unpacking! window, then close the Config window.
Last updated