Download and Prepare

Install Prerequisites

Aemulus requires two core runtime libraries to run properly. Download and install them now if you haven't already.

Download Aemulus

Download the latest version of Aemulus now if you haven't already.


Download from GitHub

Download from GameBanana

If you download Aemulus from GameBanana, you may get an older version. Aemulus will update to the latest version the first time you launch it.

Set Up AemulusPackageManager Folder

  • Unzip your downloaded archive and locate the AemulusPackageManager folder inside.

  • Move the AemulusPackageManager folder to a suitable location on your PC.

We recommend creating a new top-level directory, such as C:\Mods.

Do not use any directory inside Program Files or Program Files (x86).

Do not use a directory that synchronizes files with the cloud, including any folder managed by OneDrive or a similar service.

Do not use the Persona game folder itself, as you may want to uninstall/reinstall the game in the future and the directory is likely to be UAC-protected.

Last updated