Organize and Build
Open Package Manager
Select Manage Packages in the top-left corner of the Aemulus window to close the GameBanana browser and return to the package manager.
You should see the packages you've downloaded in the grid now!
Organize and Enable Packages
To enable a package, check its box in the grid.
To disable a package, uncheck its box in the grid.
You can drag packages up and down in the grid to change their priority.
Build Your Loadout
Once you start building, Aemulus will delete EVERYTHING in the Output Folder you defined in the Config window (except for P5S, where only modified contents are deleted).
Make sure that you have selected the right output folder path and that there are no important files there before continuing.
Once you've finished organizing your package loadout, click the 🔨 Build button.
Aemulus will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the contents of the output folder. Make sure the folder in the confirmation box is correct, then click Yes.
Aemulus will merge your packages and copy them over. The process may take a few minutes.
Click OK to close the Finished Building! window.
You can make changes in Aemulus and rebuild your loadout as many times as you want.
Launching the Game
Click the 🚀 Launch [Game] button to call the associated mod loader and launch the game.
Last updated